Monday, September 18, 2006


Rain-slicked highway flashing beneath
Sports suspension transmitting every inch of road
The horizon a dark purple line
Limpid yellow pools of headlights
Silhouette the driving rain

The orange glow from the dashboard
Snug comfort of warm leather
Burl wood paneling gleams in dull richness
The throaty growl of the V8
Thrumming radials on asphalt

Stevie Wonder belting from quad Bose speakers
“He’s got it wrong”, I muse: “there is April Rain”
A stranded Buick on the shoulder
Like a rain-soaked crow
Waits patiently for a tow-truck

Blinking arrows signalling lane closure
A sudden swerving commuter
Horns blare in cacophony
Unconcerned baby looks on from child-seat
“Enjoy it while you can”, I muse

Stevie Wonder still belts out his soulful tune
“Sad song, really”, I muse
And there is only an infinite longing
And my sudden realization that, indeed, there will be
No wedding Saturday within the month of June.

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